Session on “How to find funding for your business”
BEAZ is to host a symposium on 1 March on “How to find funding for your business”, as part of the ANDREkintzailea Programme headed by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia and coordinated by Bilbao Metropoli-30. Its aim is to present and discuss the types of funding available for a business idea or project.
Following the presentation of the workshop by Idoia Postigo (Bilbao Metropoli-30), Eva Armesto (Department for Economic and Territorial Development of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia) address the subject of public funding for entrepreneurship, and she follows by Idurre Arzuaga (Seed Capital), who speaks about participative loans; Carlos Ruiz de Arcaute (CaixaBank), on the subject of bank lending; Nagore Ardanza (Crecer+ Orkestra), who discuss private funding by business angels; and Débora Montaner (Fundación MAPFRE), who examines the financial support for hiring.
Presentations used in the workshop:
- Department for Economic and Territorial Development of the Provincial Council of Bizkaia
- Seed Capital
- CaixaBank
- Crecer+ Orkestra
- MAPFRE Foundation