Metropolitan Bilbao 2035. Launch of the second stage
On 30 October 2018, Beaz hosted a meeting for the launch of Stage II of the Strategic Reflection and Scenario Analysis within the project “Metropolitan Bilbao 2035. Looking to the future”. The development of this stage has initially involved setting up eight work groups (“talde” means group in Basque) based on the thematic lines established in the Strategic Reflection 2035 and headed by group leaders (“taldeburu”) that are experts in their fields:
- Co-creation of wellbeing, leaded by Alejandro Ormazabal of Velatia
- Sustainable future, leaded by Francisco Olarreaga of Iberdrola
- Interconnected and smart metropolitan landscape, leaded by Itziar Epalza of the Basque Technological Parks Network
- New job-creating economies, leaded by Eukene Bengoa of Inguralde
- River and networks, leaded by José Tesán of Caminos Euskadi
- Shared governance in metropolitan areas, leaded by Izaskun Artetxe of the Biscay Provincial Government
- Komunitatea, leaded by Gorka Martínez of the BBK Foundation
- Nortasuna eta hiria, leaded by Txabi Anuzita of UNESCO Etxea
Metropolitan Bilbao 2035. Second round of the Stage II
Metropolitan Bilbao 2035. Third round of the Stage II
Presentation of the Metropolitan Bilbao 2035 Strategic Reflection and Scenarios Analysis
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