Public-private colaboration


Collaboration with Eusko Ikaskuntza. “Geroa Elkar-Ekin” project.

Bilbao Metropoli-30 is actively collaborating with its partner organisation Eusko Ikaskuntza, the Basque Studies Centre, on the processes for discussing the key issues facing the […]


A Synergies workshop is  held at BEAZ on 15 November within the framework of the ANDREkintzailea programme headed by the Provincial Council of Bizkaia’s Department […]

Session on “How to find funding for your business”

BEAZ is to host a symposium on 1 March on “How to find funding for your business”, as part of the ANDREkintzailea Programme headed by […]

ANDREkintzailea: Pechakucha Night – Women’s entrepreneurship special

On 1st February,  BilboRock hosts a presentation session for seven projects by women entrepreneurs belonging to the ANDREkintzailea programme, delivered in the first person in […]

BasquePRO Elkargoak Networking

Within the activities pursued by the BasquePRO Elkargoak, the professional associations have decided to create an intercollegiate platform to support entrepreneurship, in response to a […]

CVIII BM30 Workshop

The CVIII Bilbao Metropoli-30 Workshop is held on 17 November at BEAZ, within the framework of the Equality Forum organised by the Basque Government’s Equal […]

CVII BM30 Workshop

Within the framework of the 23rd European Week on Advanced Management organised by Euskalit on 6 to 18 November, the BM30’s CVII workshop is held with […]

Social Action Workshops

A series of Social Action Workshops have been arranged by the Miranda Foundation within the Competencies for Professional Development in Bizkaia Programme organised by the […]