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22nd Workshop on Urban and Territorial Strategic Plans

The Strategic Plan for Zaragoza and its surrounding area (Ebrópolis) is organising the 22nd Workshop on Urban and Territorial Strategic Plans, to be held in […]

Korean local press

We received at Bilbao Metropoli-30 two Korean local press editors from the Dangjin Times and Pyeongtaek Times. The reason for their visit is to interview […]

Audencia Business School

At the request of the Leisure Studies Institute of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the University of Deusto, we receive a delegation […]

Red de Innovación Local (Argentina)

The Asociación welcomes a delegation from the local innovation network Red de Innovación Local (RIL), interested in learning about Metropolitan Bilbao’s revitalisation process. RIL is […]

Biobío Development Corporation (Chile)

We have received the Biobío Development Corporation, an institution that is helping to improve the competitiveness of the Biobío region in Chile. At the meeting […]

Students from Jeongseon (South Korea)

We receive a delegation of South Korean students from Jeongseon, in the province of Gangwon-do. They are drawing up a project for the revitalisation of […]

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile)

Work meeting with Santiago Geywitz, research fellow in Engineering at the Viña del Mar Campus of the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Chile), who is […]

Hanshin University (South Korea)

The Director General has received a delegation from Seoul’s Hanshin University consisting of students and lecturers at the Graduate School of Social Innovation Business interested […]

Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry

At the request of Bilbao International, the general director of Bilbao Metropoli-30 receives a delegation from India composed of six business representatives interested on Smart […]