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International Seminar on Metropolis for the Future
The Association Bilbao Metropoli-30 holded a new edition of the International Seminar on Metropolis for the Future, within the framework of the Encuentros BM30 Topaketak […]
Post-COVID19 cities benchmarking
Bilbao Metropoli-30 has compiled a repository with international benchmarking news that shows different initiatives that expose the role of cities in the COVID-19 crisis. Neocomunas, […]
“Innovation in the Basque Country” webinar
Webinar by the director general of Bilbao Metropoli-30 in the framework of the cycle “Innovation in the Basque Country”, organized by Deusto Business School and […]
Australian Leaders Program
At the request of Bilbao International, the Association receives a delegation of from the Spain-Australia Council Foundation that visits the city as part of the […]
University of Seoul
A group of students from the University of Seoul, in South Korea, who are conducting research on “Urban regeneration based on culture and Smart City” […]
Biobío region (Chile)
By the hand of SPRI, a delegation from the public, private and entrepreneurial sectors from Biobío (Chile) is received. The delegation is composed of Erwin […]
Development Bank of Japan
In collaboration with Bilbao International, we receive a japanese delegation of the Development Bank of Japan and the Japan Economic Research Institute, interested in the […]
Symposium about Bilbao in Seoul (South Korea)
The general director of Bilbao Metropoli-30 participates in the “Bilbao as an Innovative Metropolis City: Culture, Ecology and Leadership” symposium in Seoul (South Korea). He […]
Hyundai HCN Chungbuk Broadcasting (South Korea)
We have received a delegation from the Korean TV channel Hyundai HCN Chungbuk Broadcasting, whose purpose here has been to interview the Director General of […]