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Group of Danish developers

In collaboration with Bilbao International, the director general of Bilbao Metropoli-30 receives a group of Danish developers interested in learning about the Association as an […]

Municipality of Guatemala

We welcome a delegation from Guatemala City headed by Mr Alvaro Hugo Rodas, the director of infrastructures, which is visiting Bilbao at the invitation of […]

Forum Smart City Bordeaux

Bilbao Metropoli-30 takes part in the second edition of Smart City Bordeaux Forum, organized on May 20 by Bordeaux Métropole. Specifically we participate in the […]

Strategic Plan of Sandnes (Norway)

On May 20 a delegation of the municipality of Sandnes in Norway, composed of 12 people in charge of the Strategic Plan of the municipality, […]

Social policy of Stockholm region (Sweden)

Bilbao Metropoli-30 worked with the Provincial Council’s Department of Social Action on the organisation of a visit to Bizkaia by a delegation from the region […]

Strategy of the Norrbotten County (Sweden)

We received a Swedish delegation from Norrbotten County, headed by its Governor, Sven-Erik Österberg, accompanied by six mayors and technical staff. The delegation has visited […]

Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises

In partnership with Business Sweden, Bilbao Metropoli-30 has welcomed a Swedish delegation made up of members of the Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises. The visitors […]

Dansk Arkitektur Center

En colaboración con Bilbao International, se realiza una presentación a una delegación del Dansk Arkitektur Center, cuyos integrantes, en su mayoría CEOs y Directores de […]

Ayuntamiento de Viborg (Dinamarca)

En colaboración con Bilbao Ekintza, el director general de Bilbao Metropoli-30 recibe a una delegación del Ayuntamiento danés de Viborg. Previa a la presentación de […]